Game Parks / Science Park

Parla nel Tubo

The game consists of a number of tubes connected to each other in unusual ways: who is at the other end? The 4 pairs of tubes are usually set out in a circle, but other layouts are possible, as long as each pair is no more than 30m apart. AISI 304 stainless steel structure Ø 40mm; each pair of conical mouthpieces/earpieces Ø 270mm is connected by flexible PVC tubing.
Design: Tobia Repossi
All images and materials are copyright protected and property of modo® srl. Unauthorized use, share and/or duplication of these images and materials without permission is prohibited. Final result, dimensions, or finishing may be different from the original to preserve quality and design of the project.
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4 pairs of tubes
Technical specifications
Height above ground level: 100 - 150 cm
Depth: 49 cm
Lenght: 27 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Security area: 80 mq
Fall height: 0 cm
Recommended age
Fixing system
Base plate anchored with bolts into sunken foundation
N°8 plinths 60x60x20 cm 1440 kg
AISI 304 stainless steel
2 pairs of tubes
Technical specifications
Height above ground level: 100 - 150 cm
Depth: 49 cm
Lenght: 27 cm
Weight: 30 kg
Security area: 40 mq
Fall height: 0 cm
Recommended age
Fixing system
Base plate anchored with bolts into sunken foundation
N°4 plinths 60x60x20 cm 720 kg
AISI 304 stainless steel
3 pairs of tubes
Technical specifications
Height above ground level: 100 - 150 cm
Depth: 49 cm
Lenght: 27 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Security area: 60 mq
Fall height: 0 cm
Recommended age
Fixing system
Base plate anchored with bolts into sunken foundation
N°6 plinths 60x60x20 cm 1080 kg
AISI 304 stainless steel
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